Here is Tom - WA1MBA - in the shack, calling CQ.
to the WA1MBA Home Page Including the sound of RainScatter
Interesting Amateur Radio Microwave Sites
Recently Updated
Including Microwave Update 2023 which was held North of Hartford CT near BDL airport
The 77 - 78 GHz LNA Project
These units were sold out around 2013
The 10 - 12.5 GHz Input to 40 -50 GHz output Quadrupler Project
These units are available for sale in 2023
The Worked All Bands Award
In April 2023, the Second and Third Awards were issued
A very brief introduction to microwaves
Recently Updated
Some of my papers and presentations such as at VHF conferences
and Microwave Updates (MUD)
Recently Updated
Ham radio Millimeter Wave Bands Atmospheric Loss Charts
Thanks to Brian WA1ZMS
An article all about rainscatter on 10GHz
Waveguide sizes
Recently Updated
Waveguide Transition Design by Sander Winreb an Adobe PDF file
Hughes Motorized WG Switch Information
RF Connectors
Recently Updated
Microwave Mailing List / Reflector
A Home Made WR42 T/R Switch from W1RIL (SK)
Rejuvination of the HP478A Power Sensor
A 10GHz Gunnplexer comment from K1LPS (SK)
A guidline on using the Toshiba 3 GHz Amplifier by John W3HMS
Yagi Impedance and Matching info - and element lengths for the Jr. Boomer
If you are interested in a brief history of telecommunication press here
If you would like to send me an email
send it to
This site has been active since 1996.
visits on this page since January 1, 2004.
Most recent update October 28, 2023