Remember - this is for frequencies2304 and above. If you have a good/interesting
web site that should be included here,send me mail at
General and Relevant Information
Weather Radar is available from weather.com Just click through to your area.
A Rainscatter Email List
has been set up. Here is the Website
to subscribe.
Microwave Update
will be in Enfield, Near Hartford CT this year (2023). Here is the official Website
for all Microwave Updates.
VHF Propogation Forecast Kind of a nice site, lots of dx and other info.
VHF & Microwave Rover Sites (Hilltops) Mark, N2MH provides a comprehensive list of hilltopping sites, check it out.
Listings of Ham Radio Links, not only microwave, but they all include microwave links
This is a fairly hefty listing of ham radio web sites (over 700).
Clubs and other such non-profit sites:
      In the US:
The North East Weak Signal N.E.W.S. Group home page.
San Bernadino Microwave Society A radio club devoted to microwaves
Souteastern VHF Society A VHF radio club for the Southeast U.S.
The Mt. Airy VHF Radio Club also known as the "Pack Rats".
North Texas Microwave Society Now has a website.
Roadrunners Microwave Group Has its website ready for prime-time.
Florida Weak Signal Society This Florida group page describes VHF UHF and Microwave activity and information.
A Netherlands Microwave Group Has many interesting articles and meetings.
W2SZ (RPI and GE) big time contest effort web page. up to date pictures and results of recent contests
TheAmateur RadioRelay League The ARRL - various sources, contesting etc.
Listingsof the contents of microwave updates from SETI
An EHF Radio Telescope Radio Telescope Projects at Univ of Arizona
      In the UK:
For the Radio Society of Great Britain main site, press here
FRARS A Radio club in Great Britain with several microwave pages
Press this link for the UK Microwave Group.
Personal Sites - which have specific content about microwave ham radio
Paul -W1GHZ's home page Especially strong in 10GHz information and has a link to the On-line Antenna Book with focus on dish feeds
Tom - WA8WZG's home page Microwaves in general and a great source for Andrew Coax and connectors.
K1UHF's home page - including VHF and microwave stuff.
G4DDK's personal microwave page Sam Jewell, renowned microwave operator in the UK
Press here for the OE9PMJ millimeter wave filter data provided by K0CQ, Gerald Johnson
DK7NT has a number of frequency control projects including GPS and TV disciplined oscillators.
Ham Radio Station OH2AUE Michael Fletcher has a nice site with a numberof Microwave links and interests
CT1DMK Here is the website of Louis Cupido CT1DMK who has been active in development of many projects and activities in microwaves.
A nice microwaves site in the UK by Peter G3PHO - If you want a non-frames version click here.
N9ZIA page about NR6CA Putting Spectrian Amp on 2304
Some OE9PMJ filters are described at W1GHZ (see above) and the 24 GHz version is listed at Kuhne electronic (see below) I will endeavor to find more info
Commerical Enterprises - who are probably not making a whole lot of money, but have great products that should be consideredwhen getting into microwave ham radio
DownEast Microwave A great source of kits and ready made equipment
Kuhne Electronics This is the DB6NT site
Eisch Electronics Eisch Electronics of Germany has an on-line catalog, has English speaking customer service, and takes credit cards!!!
DL2AM site Low, Medium and High Power Microwave Amplifiers for the Ham Bands!! (32 watts on 10 GHz?)
N7EME site Locked LOs for the Microwave Bands
Centric RF Here's a new company - Centric RF - that is very ham friendly, selling connectors, adapters, etc.
SHF Electornics A good source of Gunn parts for wide band, and some dishesetc.
Ohio Microwave A commercial company in Ohio that gives a generous discount to HAMS on new parts. Good for circulators, mixers, waveguide and other components, check it out.
Millitech Corporation. Commercial millimeter wave components not at "amateur" prices, but its the real thing.
Want to add an interesting microwave website????
Link that YOU want to add -send mail to
Space for more !!!
The home URL for this page is www.wa1mba.org
Last updated March 8, 2023