The deisgn, redisign, build, test, and report phases are complete.
Quadrupler during fabrication and testing
The quadrupler project is complete. The final report was given at the Microwave Update 2023 meeting
in Enfield CT in April
Press here for that report
which includes information about the design, goals, and
achievements of performance.
These charts show output frequency across X axis in GHz
and output power across Y axis in dBm. The cursor is at 47 GHz.
Left is a chart of a typical unit at different input power levels. This unit reached compression at 4 dBm.
Chart on right is an overlay of 8 typical units at +5 dBm input.
. Paypal accepted in USD to tomw (at) wa1mba (dot) org
. Units sold at cost
. $400 each
. US Shipping $27
. International shipping $56
When you are ready to order also send an email message to me including your call sign
(if not an amateur, your reason for ordering please), and your mailing/shipping address.
There are Sector Horns available which are just what you need for beacon use. These excellent horns have a 90 to 120 degree azimuth and 15 degree elevation beamwidths, thereby covering a wide range of ground while concentrating the energy on the horizond. The Quadrupler uses a circular flange, and the horn has a square flange pattern, so you will need a coupler between the two. The horns are designed by W1GHZ. Here is a message from him.
at Microwave Update, I presented "Sectoral Horns for Microwave Beacons" and Tom, WA1MBA, presented his 47 GHz Quadrupler. Together, they can make a 47 GHz beacon. the horns, which work at both 47 and 24 GHz, are now available. details may be found at, along with some other updates just added 73 paul 73 paul
This page was last updated October 27, 2023